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Accu-Tab News Team

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Avoid an SOS on Your CSO

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there are approximately 860 communities across the country serving 40 million people that are supported by local combined sewer overflow (CSO) systems.

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PurAqua Sends Help for Helene Cleanup

In late September, Hurricane Helene devastated the southeastern portion of the country. It was the deadliest hurricane to hit the U.S. since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, killing at least 224 people.

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From Well to Table: Stop Foodborne Illness from “Cropping Up”

Water is far more than just an ingredient. It’s a critical component in the food safety process that safeguards what we eat long before it ever reaches our plates.

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Accu-Tab From Coast to Coast

Seven of the aquatic facilities featured in Athletic Business’ Aquatic Design Portfolio all have one thing in common—they’re powered by Westlake Water Solutions’ Accu-Tab® Chlorination System.

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A Roadmap for a Safe and Cost-Effective CSO Treatment System

When the Mon Valley Sewage Authority pledged nearly $50 million to update or eliminate its CSOs and improve water quality, people took notice.

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Commercial Pools Poised for a Splashing Comeback in 2021

Public venues were upended when COVID-19 hit in 2020. Commercial pools were no exception. The pandemic sent aquatic facility managers scrambling to find ways to maintain their shuttered pools and spas as well as those with limited use.

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