Keeping Tabs

Agricultural Act Empowers Farmers to Harvest Benefits of Diversification

Posted on November 20, 2014

Fruits_and_VeggiesInsure the Farm, Not Commodities, to Promote Farm Growth

Diversification is a crucial aspect of running a viable farm--it can save natural resources, spread economic risk, and capitalize on profitable niche markets, just to name a few benefits.

But over the years, growers have had limited options when it comes to insuring their assets. Traditionally, fruit and vegetable growers have had little incentive to grow different types of crops, as each crop had to be insured as a distinct commodity. However with the announcement of a new pilot program under the Agricultural Act of 2014 (also known as the Farm Bill), growers finally have an insurance program designed specifically for them.

This program within the Agricultural Act of 2014 is called  "Whole-Farm Revenue Protection," and it offers farmers a convenient, cost cost-effective way to protect their crops and diversify their growing operations, with minimal risk from adverse weather events and other unpredictable market forces. The program is expected to launch in 2015.

Although crop insurance programs have existed for years as a way to mitigate the financial impact of unpredictable weather events on individual growers, this new program provides small and mid-sized farms with a much much-needed economic safety net.

According to Agriculture Secretar Tom Vilsack, this is all part of the the agency's increased focus on promoting the growth of safe produce and fostering a stronger agricultural economy:

"Providing farmers the option to insure their whole farm at once gives farmers more flexibility, promotes crop diversity, and helps support the production of healthy fruits and vegetables. More flexibility also empowers farmers and ranchers to make a broader range of decisions with their land, helping them succeed and strengthening our agriculture economy."

The new policy is expected to include coverage levels between 50 and 85 percent, offering rate discounts for farms growing multiple commodities. Further, the program also accounts for necessary operational costs such as packaging, trimming, and washing allowing these expenditures to be left in the insured amount rather than being deducted from it—and facilitating the implementation of safety and efficiency measures like Accu-Tab®.

Diversification and adhering to safe growing practices is key to remaining competitive agribusiness in 2014 and beyond. Whole Farm Revenue Protection aims to facilitate these practices by minimizing economic risk, but diversification also requires more manpower and a more streamlined effective growing and processing operations—including the use of cost-effective, convenient washing technology like the Accu-Tab® hypochlorite tablet system  which can  help chlorinate  agricultural  water.

And by making these smart, incremental investments in their farms, growers will soon be able to make the most of this new resourceWhole Farm Revenue Protection--—by minimizing risk, facilitating the growth of new commodities, and encouraging the growth of the farm itself.

Accu-Tab is a low-cost, affordable, and convenient tablet-based hypochlorite chlorination solution for sanitizing produce, meat, poultry, equipment, and washwater. Click here to download our Irrigation brochure (PDF). To reach an Accu-Tab representative, click here or call us today at 800-245-2974.










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